Monday, October 22, 2012

Large Format Thin Porcelain Panels

Large Format Thin Porcelain Panels are becoming popular and are being utilized on many  projects across the USA and around the world.

At Laticrete we have extensive experience & expertise with large and thin tiles dating back to the 1970s.

We provide "customized" Architectural Specifications and Architectural Details for the installation of Large Format Thin Porcelain Panels and are available to be your technical support consultant on your projects.

We have recently updated our informative Laticrete Technical Data Sheet TDS 170 - “Installing Large Format Thin Porcelain Panels” (click here). Read this Technical Data Sheet to better understand how these panels are installed as well as where they should and should not be used. 

Note that these thin large porcelain panels are NOT simply larger porcelain tiles. Therefore, there are very specific installation techniques and installer expertise that are required to successfully execute these installations.

Please let us know if you have questions or require specifications, details or technical support regarding a specific project.

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