Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Attractive Stone Installation

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Over-sized sunbathing mattresses as well as modern design sunbathing chairs are featured on the open deck with stone flooring, ideal for sun lovers. One might ask, why are mattresses at deck level? That's temporary. The mattresses sit atop a platform that raises for sunbathing and lowers to become flush with the deck for entertaining, doubling the aftdeck's use of space.

A question came up recently regarding installing tile and stone on boats, yachts, oil well platforms and in marine environment areas.

We have experience, expertise and materials for installing file and stone in marine environments. Tile on steel, tile on aluminum. Tile on boats, tile on yachts, tile in the living quarters and food service areas on oil well platforms.

We have a specialized brochure on this subject - Laticrete Marine Systems - in the English, Italian & Chinese languages. Click here to request a copy.


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